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Thursday 30 March 2017

Physics 30 - March 30

Today students learned about potential energy and how to calculate it.  The concept of defining a reference level is important in understanding potential energy.  Students were given Assignment 3.4 to work on. The notes today were on slides 24 -29.  On Monday, we will begin to look at the law of conservation of energy and how to work with it.  Reminder that tomorrow class will be cancelled.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Physics 30 - March 29

Today in class we looked at kinetic energy and how it relates to work done moving an object.  Notes and examples were taken from slides 15-23.  Students were given a little time to work on Assignment 3.3.  We will take this up tomorrow and then look at potential energy.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Physical Science 20 - March 28

Today in class we looked at a process we will be using to solve problems in the class moving forward.  The main focus of the remainder of the class will be to solve word problems utilizing formulas learned studying relationships in nature.  That process was outlined today and we went through a couple of examples.  We also learned how to manipulate these formulas.  The notes we took are called Equations and Word Problems and they are found in the Heat folder of the Physical Science 20 course notes.  Students then had the remainder of class to work on Homework H1 and Assignment H1.  Both are due tomorrow.  Assignment H1 will be handed in.

Thursday 23 March 2017

Physics 30 - March 23

Today in class we talked about power and how to calculate it.  We went through a couple of examples covered on slides 10-14 and students had the remainder of the period to work on Assignment 3.2.  This will be due tomorrow.  Tomorrow we will move one to look at energy and specifically kinetic energy.

Physical Science 20 - March 23

Hello everyone.  Yesterday we had a substitute in and he started the Heat unit with you.  Students learned about Kinetic Molecular Theory yesterday and today we finished up those notes.  There was no assignment with this information.  The powerpoint for this unit is in a new folder called Heat.  This powerpoint is labelled Kinetic Molecular Theory.  If you were away for the last 2 days, you simply need to get these notes.

On Monday, we are having an exam on Stoichiometry.  It will be an open book exam.  Make sure you study for it over the weekend though.  Have a great weekend.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Physics 30 - March 21

Today we started the third unit in Physics 30.  We began looking at the physical definition of work and what work is.  We did examples 1-3 and looked at some special situations where work is zero.  Students then had the remainder of class to work on Assignment 3.1. We will take this up tomorrow.  We are moving on tomorrow to look at the concept of power.

Reminder of your in class assignment tomorrow on the last half of Unit 2.  Study assignments 2.5-2.7.