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Sunday, 29 November 2020

Virtual Lesson - Dec 1/2

Lesson 6.2 - Radioactivity and Half-Life

You will learn about the three different types of ionizing radiation.  As well, you will learn to how to write a nuclear equation.  The concept of half-life will be introduced as well as activity. The lesson will finish with an application of this understanding in a type of technology called radiometric dating.  Watch the videos below to learn how to do the examples in the lesson and make sure you go through the powerpoint notes.  When finished, you can work through Assignment 6.2

Example 2 Video

Example 3 Video

Example 4 Video

Example 5 Video

Lesson 6.3 - Nuclear Reactions

You will finish Unit 6 by looking at nuclear reactions and how they produce so much energy (hint: mass defect!).  The two main types of reactions will be discussed - nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.  There are no examples to go through with this lesson.  When you are done going through the notes, work on Assignment 6.3 (and then you are FINALLY done the content in Physics 30!!!)

Friday, 27 November 2020

Virtual Lesson - Nov 27/30

Unit 6 Nuclear Physics    Lesson 6.1 - Nuclear Structure and Forces

Today you will begin Unit 6 by looking at the structure of the nucleus of the atom and applying some of the concepts we have been learning throughout the course.  The strong nuclear force will be introduced and you will learning how to figure out something called the mass defect and the binding energy, a direct correlation with Einstein's mass-energy equivalence.  Make sure to read through the notes and copy down Example 1.  When finished, work on Assignment 6.1

Example 1 Video

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Virtual Lesson - Nov 25/26

Lesson 5.5 - Charges moving in a wire 

Today you will finish off Unit 5 by looking at how magnetic fields affect charges confined to conductors.  This is no different than what we have been examining before, just in a different context.  Make sure you read through the notes and go through the powerpoint if you need to.  There are some more diagrams and pictures in there if you need more visuals to understand.  Copy down the examples and when completed, go through Assignment 5.5.

Example 15 Video

Example 16 Video

Friday, 20 November 2020

Virtual Lesson - Nov 23/24

 Today you will look at magnetism and how it affects moving charges.

Lesson 5.3 - Magnetic Fields and Forces.

In this lesson, you will examine how magnetic fields are defined and how they produce a force on a charge moving through that magnetic field.  This force is 3D in nature and we will learn how to determine the direction of vectors in 3D.  This involves utilizing a tool used quite a bit in physics for understanding the third dimension.  This tool is called the right hand rule.  

Read through the notes and watch the videos below to learn how to do the examples.  When you are finished, you can work on Assignment 5.3, which should be in your notes.

Example 10 Video

Example 11 Video

Example 12 Video

Lesson 5.4 - Magnetic Circular Motion.

In this lesson, we learn that because the magnetic force on a charge moving through a magnetic field is acting perpendicular to the direction of motion, this force will produce circular motion.  This understanding will lead us into a type of technology called mass spectroscopy, when you can use this motion to help you determine the identity of unknown substances.

Read through the notes and watch the videos below to learn how to do the examples.  When you are finished, you can work on Assignment 5.4, which should be in your notes.

Example 13 Video

Example 14 Video

Assignment 5.1

Hey everyone - it looks like assignment 5.1 was not in your notes.  You could have looked at the powerpoint to find the assignment.  I will post it here.  Let me know if you have any questions about it.  Have a good weekend everyone.
  • Pg 552 - #9-12
  • Pg 553 - #14-17

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Virtual Lesson - Nov 19/20

Hey Everyone,

Here is a breakdown of the lessons I want you to go through on your own at home on your day away from school.  Remember that it is not a day off and you need to be responsible for going through the material and working through the assignments.  You can have a look at the powerpoints if you want, but you should have notes that are filled in.  All you need are the examples.  I will link videos of me solving them below.  Go through the videos and fill in the examples in your notes as you do.  When you are done the examples, go ahead and try the assignments associated with that lesson.  *Note - Some of these videos you might not be able to play in your browser unless you have the right plug in.  They are all .mp4 video files.  It is ok to download them and play them on VLC media player or any other such media player.

Lesson 4.2 - Universal Gravitation

In this lesson, we look at Newton's understanding about how gravity worked.  We start out by looking at how Newton got to that point by looking at Kepler's Laws of Planetary motion.  Don't worry about those though.  We will not be applying them to anything, we just need to know them.  We then look at Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and how it applies in various scenarios.  You finish off the lesson by applying universal gravitation to planetary motion to show how we can predict the motion of planets and celestial objects using universal gravitation. When you are done going through the examples, you can work on Assignment 4.2.

Lesson 5.1 - Charges and Coulombs Law

We begin Unit 5 with a review somewhat of the electricity unit in Grade 9 science.  This then leads to an examination of the forces acting on charges that would cause either an attractive or repulsive force.  This is called Coulombs Law and we look at a couple of examples how to use the equation in different scenarios.  When you get done going through the examples in the videos, work on Assignment 5.1

Lesson 5.2 - Electric Fields and Electric Potential Difference

In the second lesson of Unit 5, we look at electric fields and how to determine their strength.  As well, we will also begin to look at energy in electricity, particularly electric potential difference, also known as voltage.  There are a couple of examples that you can look at and when completed, work on Assignment 5.2.

If you have any questions at any time, feel free to email me.  You can always ask in me class the next day as well.  I will definitely take time to take up these questions in class.


Monday, 9 November 2020

Physics 30 Period 2 Nov 10 - SNOW DAY!

We can not meet in person yet but we need to keep moving forward with our course.  Today we will use on online app to examine the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Download and print off the lab handout (here) and work through the activities in the handout.  This will serve as an introduction to the law of conservation of energy for us. This activity will be due on Friday, Nov 13.  Your in class assignment for Assignments 2.5 to 2.7 is now moved to Thursday, Nov 12 barring any act of God or whatever else keeps us from school.  Stay safe everyone and email me if you have any questions.

Monday, 26 October 2020

Physics 30 Period 2 Block - Oct 27

 Today in class we looked at a specific type of kinematic problem called free fall problems.  Students then had a chance to work on Assignment 1.4.  Afterwards, we then started looking into motion in two dimensions by looking at vectors in more detail.  We discussed how we will describe direction in 2D as well as different types of vector operations that we will be performing.  Students then had a chance to work on Assignment 1.5.  We finished off the class by working through an online lab - Lab 1.1 on vectors.  See the links below for all handouts associated with the work today.  Email me if you have any questions.

Lesson 1.4 and 1.5 Notes

Assignment 1.4

Assignment 1.5

Lab 1.1 - Vectors

Vector Addition App

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Physics 30 Period 2 Block - Oct 23

 Today we continued on by looking at the kinematic equations and applied those under different scenarios.  Students then had a chance to work on assignment 1.2.  After this, we looked at a particularly difficult type of kinematic problem called a chase problem.  The technique for solving these problems was outlined in class and an example was done.  Students then worked on Assignment 1.3 for the remainder of the period.  If you were absent from class today, go to the following links to get the notes for the lessons today and try to work through the assignments.  If you have any questions, please email me. 

Lesson 1.2 and 1.3 Notes

Assignment 1.2

Assignment 1.3

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Physics 30 Period 2 Block - Oct 22

 Welcome to Physics 30!  Today in class we went over the course outline and got started with looking at motion and kinematics.  With this being a 3 hour block of time, you will be getting a lot of information covered in each class in a short amount of time.  Be prepared to work!  If you were away today, I will link the information that we went over today. We were able to get all the way to Assignment 1.1 and students had time to work on it in class.  I will also link the assignments that you can work on.  There is also a link to the Remind 101 group that we will have for the class - please sign up for the group.  If you have questions, please feel free to email me.  

Course Outline

Unit 1 Notes

Assignment 1.1

Remind 101 Sign up

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Physics 30 Upcoming Assessments

This next week is going to be a busy one.  Make sure you are keeping up to date with the assignments and ask questions if you have any.  Here is a snapshot of the different assessments you will be doing this next week. 

  • Unit 2 In Class Assignment #1 - Sept 28/20
    • This will be on Assignments 2.1-2.4
  • Lab 2.1 - Sept 29/20
    • We started this lab on Sept 24 but whatever you did not complete then will need to be completed by then.
  • Begin Unit 3 - Sept 30/20
    • Print off and bring the notes to class
  • Unit 2 In Class Assignment #2 - Oct 1/20
    • This will be on Assignments 2.5-2.7
  • Unit 2 Exam - Oct 5/20
Write these dates down and make sure you are ready to go for them.  

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Lab 4.1 - Projectile Motion


If you want to view the app in full screen, go to the source - pHet - Projectile Motion

Here is the link to the lab activity that we will be doing for this app.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Lab 1.1 Vector Addition App


To view the page in full screen, go to the source: Phet - Vector Addition

Here is the link to the lab activity that we will be doing for this app.

Monday, 20 January 2020

Robot Rumble 2020 Media Consent form

Please have your parents sign this form if you are participating in the Robot Rumble.