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Friday, 9 June 2017

Physics 30 - June 8 & 9

Today we started Unit 6 on Nuclear physics.  Students learned about atomic models and particularly the make up of the nucleus.  We then learned about the strong nuclear force that binds the nucleus together as well as the mass defect and binding energy.  We calculated the mass defect and binding energy for an isotope.  Students were then given sometime to work on Assignment 6.1.  On Monday we will review radioactivity and learn about radioactive decay equations.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Physics 30 - June 7

Today we finished Unit 5 by looking at how magnetic fields affect current carrying wires as well as learning how a current can actually create a magnetic field.  Notes today were from slides 51-58.  We did these notes after students wrote their quizzes for Lab 4.2.  Tomorrow we will begin Unit 6 on Nuclear Physics.  If students wish, they can print off the notes and bring them to class.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Physics 30 - June 6

Today in class students learned how magnetic fields can create circular motion of a charge, since the magnetic force acts perpendicular to the direction of the motion of the charge.  We then learned how a device called a mass spectrometer operates and how it is used to determine the identity of a substance based on its charge to mass ratio.  Notes today were from slides 42-50.  Students were given Assignment 5.4 today.  We will go over this tomorrow and finish Unit 5.

Monday, 5 June 2017

Physics 30 - June 5

Today we started looking at magnetism and magnetic fields.  We learned how magnetic fields effect charges as well as the forces that are applied to charges in magnetic fields.  Students then learned how to determine the direction of these things using the right hand rule.  The notes today were on slides 27-41 on the Unit 5 powerpoint.  Students were assigned Assignment 5.3 at the end of the class.  We will take this up tomorrow.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Physics 30 - June 2

Today in class we learned about the electric field, the work done on a charge and the electric potential difference.  This was on slides 13-22 in the Unit 5 Notes powerpoint.  Students are to work on Assignment 5.2 over the weekend.  We will take it up on Monday and begin to look at magnetism and magnetic fields.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Physics 30 - May 31

Today in class students wrote their quiz for the radioactivity lab we did on Monday.  We then finished up Example 5 in Unit 5 and students had a chance to work on Assignment 5.1.  Tomorrow is retreat so there will be no class.  We will continue Unit 5 on Friday by looking at electric fields and electric potential difference.