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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Physics 30 - May 30

Today we began Unit 5 on electricity and magnetism.  We learned about the electric force and the law of electric charges.  We did a couple of examples related to Coulomb's Law but didn't quite get to the assignment for this section.  We will do that tomorrow and get sometime to work on Assignment 5.1.

Physical Science 20 - May 30

Today we began looking at waves by studying what causes waves.  We learned about periodic motion and how waves are generated.  Terms such as frequency and period were discussed as well as other important concepts such as phase difference and resonance.  These notes were on slides 110-119. We finished of by watching a video on resonance.  This video is located in the Physical Science 20 course video list.  Tomorrow we will look at another example relating frequency to period and then get some time to work on the assignment associated with this.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 26

Today in class we finished looking at the other properties of light.  We then started fitting those properties to different scientific models.  Today, we looked specifically at the particle model.  In this model, we assume that light is made up of tiny hard balls or particles.  We then ran through a series of tests to see if these particles behaved the same as light did.  As it turns out, particles do a great job of modelling some of the properties of light but not all.  The next model that we will examine is the wave model.  We will begin our examination of it on Monday.  The notes today were on slides 96-109 from the powerpoint called Physics Notes in the physics folder of the physical science 20 course notes link on the right.  Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Physics 30 - May 24

Today was a work period for students.  They needed to hand in the worksheets from the video we watched yesterday.  They were due at the end of the class.  Students also spent time studying for their exams that are on Friday.  Since we won't have class on Thursday, this will be students last chance to ask me questions before the exam.

Physical Science 20 - May 24

Today in class students wrote their exam for the first part of the physics unit.  Tomorrow we will look at the remaining properties of light and start fitting those properties into models.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Physics 30 - May 23

Today in class we then went on to learn about an extension to lab 4.2, the existence of something called dark matter.   We learned in the lab that more mass causes more speed for the centripetal motion.  This applies for simple motion that we see on Earth, like a stopper spinning around on a string, as well as the motion of stars in galaxies. 

We learned about a currently anomaly in physics.  This was the fact that stars in a galaxy are moving much faster than they should be.  The mass that consists within the galaxy that we can see is not enough to make the stars move so fast.  This is the basis for the search for dark matter. 

We watched a video today to explore these ideas a little further and to learn more about dark matter research.  Students answered a worksheet that went along with the video.  The worksheet is found here.  It is called Lab 4.2 Supplemental Worksheets.  The video is linked in 3 parts in the Course Video Youtube playlist.  It is called the Mystery of Dark Matter.  If you were absent today, please watch the video there.

Physics 30 - May 16

Today we learned about Einstein's view of gravity.  We learned about the general theory of relativity.  Einstein believed that gravity wasn't a force itself, but an effect on space itself.  We watched a couple of videos that are linked below to try to explain this idea a little bit better.  If you were absent today, please watch the following videos to get a sense of general relativity.  

Physical Science 20 - May 23

Today in class we went over the answers to Homework P7 which was assigned before the break.  After this, students had the remainder of class to prepare for their exam tomorrow on reflection and refraction.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Physics 30 - May 18

Yesterday in class we did lab 4.2 on measuring mass using circular motion.  If students were absent yesterday, there is some sample data found in the Unit 4 folder of the Physics 30 notes.  You can use one set of the sample data (there are 3 of them).  Today we went through the analysis of this lab.  It is quite complex, so I tried to help the students with it.  I took some pictures of this and posted them in the Unit 4 folder as well.  It is called Lab 4.2 Analysis Aid.  The formal lab report for this is due on Tuesday after the long weekend.  Have a great long weekend everyone!

Physical Science 20 - May 18

Today in class we finished up our notes on optics by looking at common eye problems and how they are fixed.  We learned what causes myopia and hyperopia and how to correct them  We watched a video on laser eye surgery and then talked about corrective lens power.  Notes were taken from slides 87-93.  We then had a chance to work on Homework P7.  We will take this up on Tuesday after the break.  Have a great long weekend everyone!

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 17

Today in class we took notes on how the human eye works.  We learned about a subject called lens accommodation, or basically how the lens in your eye adjusts to focus on objects at all different distances.  These notes were on slides 83-86 in the powerpoint.  After the notes, I let students work on the lab report for Lab P4.  This formal lab report is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 16

Today in class we did Lab P4 on forming images with converging lenses.  Students were able to get their data today and then started working on their lab reports.  We will have more time tomorrow to do the lab report.  This will be du eon Thursday.  Tomorrow we will start into looking at how our eye works.  If students were missing today, they can use the sample data located in the Physics folder of the Physical Science 20 course notes link along the side.  The file is called Lab P4 Sample Data.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 15

Today in class students wrote their quizzes for refraction and critical angle.  This took the majority of the class.  After they were done, we went over the solutions to Homework P6 which was assigned on Friday.  This took the remainder of the class.  Tomorrow we will be doing Lab P4.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 12

Today in class we learned how to find the image using a set of equations.  We also then learned how to describe the characteristics of the image based on the solutions to those equations.  This is almost identical to the equations that we learned for curved mirrors.  Students took some notes on the equations and then we went through a couple of examples. These notes were on slides 76-81. For the remainder of class, students worked on Homework P6.  We will take this up on Monday.

On Monday, we will be having a quiz on refraction.  Students should study Homework P5 and Assignment P2.  This stuff we have been learning about lenses will not be on the quiz.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 11

Today in class students learned how to find images in lenses by drawing ray diagrams.  They followed a series of instructions on a handout and learned how to find images in both converging and diverging lenses.  After they completed the handout, students then worked on Assignment P3.  This is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 10

Today in class we went over Part C to Homework P5.  We then started looking at an application of refraction.  We learned some terminology involved with studying lenses and optics.  This didn't take too long.  After which, we watched a video on optics.  There was no assignment today.  The notes were on slides 64-72.  Tomorrow we will look at finding images in lenses graphically.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 9

Today students handed in Assignment P2.  Afterwards we continued to learn about critical angle and total internal reflection.  We reviewed what we had learned yesterday and then took some more notes on total internal reflection and some applications of this knowledge.   These notes are on slides 60-62.  Students then had some time to work on Part C of Homework P5. We will go over this tomorrow.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 8

Today in class we went over Homework P5 Part B.  Afterwards I let students work on Assignment P2 for about 20 minutes and then we started to learn about critical angle and total internal reflection.  I showed the students some demonstrations on the topic and then we took some notes on it and went through one example.  The notes were on slides 57-59.  We didn't get to an assignment today with this but students need to make sure to hand in Assignment P2 tomorrow.  Tomorrow we will finish up learning about critical angle and total internal reflection and then get a chance to work on an assignment in it.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 5

Today in class students handed in their lab reports for Lab P3.  After that, we took some notes on the laws of refraction and then learned in detail Snell's Law.  This is the law that governs the angles of incidence and refraction.  We also did an example that showcased Snell's Law.  The notes today were on slides 53-55.  Students were assigned Homework P5 - Part B to have done for Monday.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 4

May the Fourth be with you all!!  Students have had a couple of days to work on their formal lab reports for Lab P3.  Yesterday we had our quiz on Homework P1, P2 and P4.  So we didn't have much time to work on the lab report.  Today I wanted to give a little lesson on graphing.  After the lesson today, students then had time to work on the report.  This is due tomorrow.  We will continue tomorrow with our study of refraction.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 2

Today in class we studied the relationship between the incident angle and the refracted angle.  Students did this with Lab P3.  We will get time tomorrow to analyze the data from this lab.  If students were absent today, there is some sample data called Lab P3 sample data that you can use.  It is in the Physics folder of the Physical Science 20 course notes link on the right hand side of this webpage.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Physical Science 20 - May 1

Hello everyone.  Today we went over Homework P4 and then started into our next property of light - the property of refraction.  This is how light behaves when it passes through substances.  When light moves from one substance to another, it will change paths or bend.  We learned some new terminology today as well as why this bending happens.  Notes today we from slides 43-51.  Students then had some time to work on Part A from Homework 3.5.  We will take this up tomorrow.