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Monday, 29 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 29

Today we started our second unit on dynamics.  We learned what forces are, general types of forces as well as some of the specific forces that we will be studying.  We also learned what a net force is as well as how to determine the net force.  A new type of diagram was introduced which was the free body diagram.  The FBD for short, will be a vital component to solving problems involving forces.  Assignment 2.1 was assigned and we will take up this assignment on Wednesday.  This was all covered on slides 1-15 on the new powerpoint in the Unit 2 folder.

Physical Science 20 - Feb 29

Happy Leap Day Everyone!!  It also happens to be the day that we started to learn about the mole.  We had some time to go over the assignment from Friday on metric conversions but then moved on to learn about what the mole is.  This was covered in a new powerpoint called The Mole.pptx found in the notes folder of the chemistry folder in the Physical Science 20 Course notes link on the right hand side of the webpage.  We covered slides 1-12 today and students spent most of the class working on Assignment C17, which we will go over tomorrow.  Tomorrow in class we will learn how to use the molar mass to convert between mass of a substance and moles of a substance.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Physical Science 20 - Feb 26

Today we finished our notes on math and the math skills we will need moving forward with Physical Science.  This included learning about how to using significant figures in calculations, scientific notation and how to do unit conversions.  The unit conversion part was particularly important as it serves as a basis for the remainder of the chemistry in this course.  Students learned a method for unit conversion called dimensional analysis.  The notes were covered on slides 16-49 but the dimensional anaylsis section was just on slides 36-49.  Students then spent the remainder of class working on this assignment.  They did the even questions.  We will take it up on Monday.  Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 25

Students had a work period today in class to prepare for the in class assignment tomorrow.  Students mostly worked on Assignment 1.7 but need to know all assignments in this unit to be ready for the assignment tomorrow.  Good luck!!!

Physical Science 20 - Feb 25

Today  we started to review math skills important for science.  This included a discussion about significant figures and scientific notation.  Tomorrow we will finish this will a discussion on unit conversion.  This is all located in a new powerpoint called Math Notes located in the Chemistry folder of the course notes link. We covered Slides 1-16 today. Tomorrow we will cover the rest.  

Students also handed in Assignment C16 today.  I will mark them and return them to the students in due time. 

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Physical Science 20 - Feb 24

Hello everyone.  Welcome back from the Feb break. Sorry for my extended absence.  It has taken me a couple of days to get back up to speed with everything and I just haven't been able to post anything for a couple of days.  On Monday and Tuesday of this week, we learned about double replacement reactions and how they occur.We also learned how to determine whether or not an ionic compound would be soluble.  This led to some new types of equations called ionic equations.  At the end of the class on Tuesday, students worked on Assignment C15.  The notes were covered on slides 54-73 in the Chemical Reaction Powerpoint.  Today students wrote the Nomenclature quiz and then worked on Assignment C16.  This assignment is a review of all the reaction stuff we have been learning .  It is the second hand in assignment that I will be collecting tomorrow. Tomorrow we will have a change in pace and start learning about some math skills that we will need moving forward.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 12

Today we looked at the bulletin board project again and looked at some good projects and others.  Students are asked to think about their topics over the break and have a list ready for Monday.  I will be taking topics in after the break.  After this, students learned how to draw a scale diagram when working with vectors.  This was covered in Example 9 in the notes.  We finished up this example up with a couple of minutes left in class.  Students were assigned Assignment 1.5 and were to have it done over the break.  Have a great break everyone!!

Physical Science 20 - Feb 12

In class today we learned how to predict the products of a chemical reaction.  We spent most of the time working with single replacement reactions and how to determine whether or not a reaction will occur based on the activity series.  This was covered on slides 42-53 in the Chemical Reactions Notes powerpoint.  Students were then given some time to work on Assignments C12, C13 and C14. These will serve as homework over the break and will be due on Monday after the break. Have a great break everyone!!

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 11

Today we started learning about vectors and how to work with them.  We learned about direction systems, types of vectors and doing vector addition and subtraction.  Tomorrow we will continue these notes by looking at Example 9 and learning how to draw a scale diagram.  

Physical Science 20 - Feb 11

Today we went over questions students had in regards to Assignment C10 and C11.  Then I showed students some demonstrations of the types of reactions that we learned about yesterday.  No new assignment was given today.  Tomorrow we will learn how to predict products of a chemical reaction particularly a single replacement reaction.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 10

Students were introduced to writing lab reports today in class.  I discussed some of the details about writing a formal lab report and we also talked about the lab we did yesterday.  The lab report is due on Friday this week.  Tomorrow we are going to work on analyzing vectors.

Physical Science 20 - Feb 10

I continued on with chemical reactions and showed how to transform a paragraph describing a chemical reaction into a word equation and then from there into a balanced chemical equation. We then continued on and learned about the different types of chemical reactions today as well.   This was covered on slides 26-41 in the notes.  Students spent the remainder of class working on Assignments C10 & C11.  We will go over these on tomorrow.

Today in class I also handed back Assignment C8 which was marked and I talked about the grading system that I use in the class.  If you received an NA on the assignment, correct your mistakes and hand it in again tomorrow at the latest.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 9

Today we did a new lab called Lab 1.1 - the acceleration due to gravity.  Students measured the motion of a cart down a ramp and then will analyze that motion to determine the acceleration due to gravity.  Today they simply took measurements.  Tomorrow we will learn how to write a lab report.  If someone was missing today, there is some sample data available under the course notes link in the Unit 1 Folder.  It is called Lab 1.1 Sample Data.  Use that to do the lab.

Physical Science 20 - Feb 9

Students handed in Assignment C8 today.  We then started looking at chemical reactions and the different parts of one.  We talked about the Law of Conservation of Mass and what that directly relates to.  We then moved into balancing chemical equations.  This was review for most people but we did learn some tricks for balancing equations for efficiently.  Students then worked on Assignment C9 for the remainder of the class.  We will go over this tomorrow.  Tomorrow we will look at how to write a chemical equation from a word equation.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 8

Today in class we learned how to solve free fall problems.  These are just special kinematics problems that have a constant acceleration of gravity, which is 9.8 m/s/s.  We went through one example and then students had the rest of class to work on Assignment 1.4.  We also talked about the course project.  Students were given a handout about the project and were tasked with discovering a topic they would find interesting to present on.  Topic selection will happen after the break.

Physical Science 20 - Feb 8

Today, after we went over Assignment C5 and C6, we then learned how to name organic compounds and draw those structures.  This was an introductory lesson into organic nomenclature, as we only learned how to name aliphatic hydrocarbons.  Slides 69 - 85 were covered in the powerpoint but these are all in your notes package that you picked up at the beginning of the semester.  Students then worked on Assignment C7.  I will check this tomorrow.  Most of the students then continued on to work on Assignment C8, which is a review of all of this nomenclature stuff.  This assignment is also due tomorrow but I will be taking it in for marks.  Ensure that you have completed Assignment C8.  Tomorrow we will start learning about chemical reactions and balancing chemical equations.

Friday, 5 February 2016

Physics 30 Remind 101 Sign Up

For students who did not do this today in class, here is the link to signup for the Remind 101.

Physical Science 20 - Feb 5

Today students learned how to name some specific compounds.  They learned what a hydrated compound is and how we go about naming them.  They also learned the rules we use to name acids.  Acids are specific types of ionic compounds that have hydrogen as their cation.  Most other ionic compounds involve metals as the cation.  The notes we took today were on slides 61-67.  Students spent a majority of the class working on Assignments C5 and C6.  We will take these up on Monday.  Monday we are going to learn how to name organic compounds, a whole new set of rules for us to know.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 4

Today we looked at a particular tricky example called a twin object problem.  This type of problem involved looking at the motion of two separate objects that are linked somehow.  We ended up developing new equations based on kinematics and would have to employ the quadratic formula to solve these new equations.  Assignment 1.3 was assigned but students will be given some time on tomorrow to work on it. 

Physical Science 20 - Feb 4

Today students learned how to name compounds that had multiple cationic charges.  This involved using the Stock System and roman numerals.  We also learned the classical system and how it differs form the Stock System.  We will be using the stock system moving forward.  After this, students learned how to create formulas and name compounds that involved polyatomic ions.  These are groups of atoms that are bonded together that have an overall ionic charge.  Forming compounds with the polyatomic ions is no different than before - we still want to balance our charges and have no overall ionic charge.  The notes we took today were from slides 43-60.  Students spent the remainder of the class working on Assignments C3 and C4.  We will go over these tomorrow at then look at how to name hydrated compounds and acids.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 3

Today in class we finished up our notes on the kinematics review.  I then introduced the kinematic equations to students and we went through examples 3 - 6. The kinematic equations apply in situations where an object is undergoing constant acceleration.  The notes were all taken from slides 13-21. Students were assigned Assignments 1.1 and 1.2, however they do not have textbooks yet to do these questions.  Students can access the pdf version of the textbook found in the Physics 30 course notes link if they want to get started on the questions.  I will handout textbooks next week after schedule changes end. Tomorrow we will be doing a particularly difficult type of kinematic problem called a twin object problem.

Physical Science 20 - Feb 3

Today we went over assignment C1. I didn't check this assignment and we didn't go through all of the answers.  Students are to access the answer keys if they want to check their work.  The answer keys are found in the Chemistry folder under the Physical Science 20 Course Notes link along the side. We learned about ionic compounds today and how to write formulas for them.  This involved balancing ionic charges.  This was all covered on slides 31-42 on the Chemistry Notes powerpoint. Students then had the rest of class to work on Assignments C2. We will be taking this up tomorrow and moving on and looking at polyatomic ions as well as multiple cationic charges.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 2

Today we got started on the new Physics 30 course which meant we started refreshing our knowledge of motion.  We started with Unit 1 on Kinematics and cover slides 1-13 of the powerpoint called Unit 1 Notes.  Students followed along with a set of handout notes that they picked up today in class.  Tomorrow we will finish this review and begin to look at the kinematic equations.

Physical Science 20 - Feb 2

Today we started learning how to name compounds.  Most of this week we will be reviewing the rules that you learned in Grade 10 science on how to name compounds.  Today we looked at how to name elements and molecular compounds.  This was covered on slides 1-27 in the powerpoint called Nomenclature Notes.  It is found in the Course Notes link on the right hand side of this webpage in the chemistry folder.  In particular the notes folder in chemistry.  Students were assigned Assignment C1 to have done for tomorrow.  Check the answer key folder tomorrow for the answers to that assignment.  Tomorrow we are moving on and learning how to name and make a formula for an ionic compound.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Physics 30 - Feb 1

Welcome everyone to your last semester in high school! Hopefully...if all goes well.  Bookmark this page as it will be very helpful to you moving forward in Physics 30.  Today in class we just talked about classroom expectations and procedures as well as went through the course outline.  Tomorrow we will jump into our first unit on kinematics.

Physical Science 20 - Feb 1

Hello Everyone!!  Welcome to second semester in your grade 11 year.  And welcome to Physical Science 20!  The purpose of this website is to keep students up to date with what we are doing in class and to serve as a place to go to to find course material.  Bookmark it as you should be accessing it quite a bit throughout the semester.  The links on the side will be particularly helpful, especially the one called Physical Science 20 Course Notes.  You will be visiting there often.  Today in class we just went over the course outline and talked about classroom expectations.  Tomorrow we will get started with Nomenclature and chemistry.