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Saturday, 17 January 2015

Physical Science Final Review

I have finished your review for the final exam.  It is posted in the Physical Science 20 Course Notes link.  It is a structure for a study guide that you build that goes through all the important things that we have learned in the last 2 units.  If you are not aware, the final exam will be on the physics unit as well as the heat unit.  We will talk more about the final exam after your waves quiz on Monday.

As well for those asking for extra practice on the waves unit, I have posted some extra worksheets in the notes link in the folder labelled Extra Practice.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Science 90 - Jan 15

Today students wrote their quizzes on the first half of the universe unit.  We then finished the notes on telescopes by looking at the Kepler Planet Finder telescope and the data that it has collected.  We then looked at the possibility of travelling to some of these star systems and extra solar planets.  We are limited by a couple of things but most of all by our technologies.  These notes were covered on slides 87-93.  Students then had the rest of class to work on the assignment given on slide 83.  This will be taken up tomorrow.  Tomorrow we will finish the unit as well.

Physical Science 20 - Jan 15

Today we went over Homework 5.4 and then we learned about how waves behave in 2 dimensions.  Wave behaviour in 2D is slightly different then in 1D but really similar to light behaviour.  We looked at the properties of reflection and we started in on refraction.  This was covered on slides 148-158.  Students had a little bit of time to work on Homework 5.5, which will be due tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will finish up the waves unit by looking at the rest of refraction and diffraction.

Physics 30 - Jan 15

Today we continued our unit on electricity with a look at how Kirchoff's Laws apply to series circuits.  Series circuits are circuits where there is only one pathway for current to flow.  We then learned how Kirchoff's translate for a series circuit and what they mean mathematically.  We watched a quick video that discussed the reasoning behind a series circuit and then did examples 16 and 17.  Students had the rest of class to work on Assignment 5.5.  Tomorrow we will finish the unit by looking at parallel circuits.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Science 90 - Jan 14

We just reviewed what the sub went over with you yesterday and answered the questions from the textbook for the assignment she gave yesterday.  The sub went through slides 59-79 yesterday and gave an assignment which was on slide 65.  Tomorrow we will finish what the the notes on telescopes and begin to look at technology used to travel in outer space.

Reminder that tomorrow you have a quiz on this space stuff.  Study everything we have done so far up to the end of galaxies.

Physical Science 20 - Jan 14

Today we learned about standing waves and how they are formed.  These are waves that appear to be standing still and are caused by interference between an incident wave and a reflected wave.  The terms nodes and antinodes were introduced and we looked at some formulas that show the relationship between the distance between adjacent nodes and the wavelength, as well as the length of the medium and the wavelength.  Students were to work on Homework 5.4 from yesterday and have that done for tomorrow.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Science 90 - Jan 12

Today we finished out notes on stellar evolution with a look at pulsars and black holes, the possible endpoints for massive stars.  We then learned about galaxies and what galaxies are.  There are 4 different types of galaxies.  As well, notes were given on the definition of a quasar and the mystery of dark matter.  Students spent the remainder of class working on the assignment given at the end of stellar evolution on Slide 53.  This is due tomorrow. There was an assignment at the end of galaxies but we are not going to do it.  The notes we took today we on slides 51-58.  Tomorrow we will learn about the universe as well as some information on our search for extra-terrestrial life.

Physical Science 20 - Jan 12

Today I introduced the universal wave equation to students and then we did a couple of examples involving the universal wave equation.  Students then had the remainder of class to work on Assignment 5.1 and Homework 5.2.  Both involve using the universal wave equation to solve various problems related to waves.  These are due tomorrow and will be handed in.  Tomorrow we will start looking at wave interference.

Physics 30 - Jan 12

Today we looked at electric power and how to calculate it as well as how to calculate electrical energy used with devices.  We did a couple of examples including one where we calculated the cost of running appliances.  Assignment 5.4 was given at the end and students had about 30 minutes to work on it.  Tomorrow you will have the class to prepare for the Unit 4 Exam on Wednesday.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Science 90 - Jan 9

Today we finished our notes yesterday on other objects of our solar system.  We learned what asteroids were as well as meteors and comets.  Students were then assigned the assignment on slide 35.  This one is slightly different than the one in your notes.  Do questions 1-3, 10-13 on page 340.  After this we then started to learn about the properties and life cycles of stars.  Many new words were introduced.  Wwe also learned about the life cycles of different types of common stars, from red dwarf stars that use their fuel very slowly to massive supergiant stars that use their fuel much quicker.  We learned what happens to supergiant stars at the ends of their lives, a violent explosion called a supernova.  We stopped at this point and will continue on from here on Monday, to learn about the aftermath of these explosion, things called neutron stars and black holes.  The slides we covered today were slides 33 to 50.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Physical Science 20 - Jan 9

Today we started to look at properties of waves.  We did this with an interactive webpage called a Java Applet.  The web address was  The worksheet is located in the Physics folder under the notes link.  Go to the above website and then follow along with the worksheet to answer the questions.  You have to open a couple of different applets.  If you are having problems getting the applets to run, make sure you have Java installed on your computer.  If you get an error message about it not working because it isnt a trusted site, then all you have to do is enter the web address as a trusted site in the Java menu.  Use the following steps to to this for each type of applet.
1) Go to start menu, select all programs
2) Scroll to find JAVA, select it.
3) Once Java menu opens, select Configure Java
4) Navigate to the security tab.
5) Edit site list

6) Add and enter website you wish to access.
If you have any questions, please email me and I will try to help you.

On Monday, we will learn about the universal wave equation.  Have a good weekend everyone!!

Physics 30 - Jan 9

Today we started to look at electric circuits with an examination of electric current and resistance.  We also learned how to draw schematic diagrams for electric circuits.  Ohm's law was introduced and we did a couple of examples involving it.  Slides 22-32 were covered in the Unit 5 powerpoint.  Students were given the rest of class to work on Assignment 5.3.  We will continue on Monday with a look at electrical power.  Have a good weekend everyone.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Science 90 - Jan 8

We continued learning about the planets that inhabit our solar system.  We learned about the significance of the rocky inner planets and the idea of the Goldilocks Zone.  We also learned about the importance of the gas giant planets and the idea that they act as a solar vacuum for space debris. This was all covered on slides 29-33.  We didn't get to the assignment on slide 35 but we will tomorrow.  We will also continue tomorrow and learn about the properties of stars.

Physics 30 - Jan 8

Today we looked at the concept of the electric field and electric potential difference.  We did 4 examples related to each and then had the rest of the class to work on Assignment 5.2.  This was covered on slides 13-21.  Tomorrow we will look at electric current and how it is related to current and voltage.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Science 90 - Jan 7

Today students learned about the Sun and some of its features.  Sunspots, solar flares and prominences as well as solar wind were all described.  We also started looking at the composure of our solar system by learning the different scientific models they have used to visualize our solar system.  This was all covered on slides 19-28 in the Universe notes powerpoint.  Students then handed in Assignment U1 from yesterday.

Tomorrow we will start learning about our planetary neighbors in the solar system.

Physical Science 20 - Jan 7

Today we went over homework 5.1 from yesterday on period and frequency.  We then started to learned about waves and wave behaviours.  Mostly vocabulary terms were introduced today with a focus on the differetn types of waves, transverse and longitudinal.  Check out the Physics Notes powerpoint.  We took notes on slides 104-113.

There was no assignment today however students need to be prepared for the quiz tomorrow on reflection and refraction.  If you want extra practice, look in the physics folder under the Physical Science 20 course notes link for a folder labelled extra practice.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Science 90 - Jan 6

Today we went over our exams for the electricity unit and then went over the questions from yesterday.  After that we learned about the motion of the planet and the moon, the cause of the seasons as well as what eclipses are.  This was covered on slides 12-17.  Students then worked on Assignment U1.  This is a worksheet about phases of the moon and seasons.  I will be taking this in tomorrow and marking it.

Physical Science 20 - Jan 6

Today we started looking at the wave model and learning about wave behaviour.  We started by learning what causes waves.  Waves are periodic motion caused by vibrations or disturbances in a medium.  We learned about characteristics and key terms including period and frequency and how they are related.  This was covered on slides 90-103.  Students then had the rest of class to work on Homework 5.1.  We will go over this tomorrow.

Physics 30 - Jan 6

Today we finished Example 5 from the first lesson in electricity.  We then had the rest of the class to prepare for tomorrow's in class assignment on momentum and collisions.  Study assignments 4.6-4.8.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Science 90 - Jan 5

Welcome back from the break everyone.  Today we continued with our unit on outer space.  We learned about how ancient civilizations used astronomy for navigating and telling seasons.  We also learned how to tell positions of stars using a couple of different systems.  This was covered on slides 6-11 in the Universe notes.

I assigned the questions on slide 11 at the end of the class and we will take this up tomorrow.  As well I had students do Activity D2 over the break but many had troubles with it due to the weather over the break.  If you haven't done it yet, try to get out sometime this week.  We will have the due date sometime next week.

Physical Science 20 - Jan 5

Today we finished looking at the properties of light and tried to fit those properties to a scientific model.  We reviewed the properties that we had already learned (reflection, refraction, etc) and then talked about some other properties (absorption and heating, pressure, dispersion, etc.).  We then tried to see if these properties could be explained by assuming light is made up of tiny hard particles called corpuscles.  As it turns out, particles can explain some of the properties of light but not all of them.  We will have to see if another model will work.  This was all covered on slides 77-90 in the physics notes powerpoint.

We are going to have a quiz on the properties of reflection and refraction on Thursday Jan 8.  Study all concepts related to those 2 properties.

Physics 30 - Jan 5

Welcome back from the Christmas break everyone.  I hope you all had a relaxing break.  Today we starting our last unit in Physics 30 on electricity.  We learned about charges and what causes them.  We also learned about the fundamental laws of electric charges and Coulomb's Law.  We did Examples 1-4.  Tomorrow we will finish the first lesson by doing example 5.  Students will then have the rest of the period to prepare for the in class assignment on Wednesday.  It is on the second have of unit 4, Assignments 4.6-4.8.