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Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 26

Today we had a chance to review our exams from the chemistry unit.  We then went over the homework from yesterday.  Students did some questions from the textbook as well as a worksheet related to static electricity.  I had students hand in the worksheet and it will be marked.  We then started to look at current electricity and the similarities it has with moving water.  The terms of voltage, current and resistance were introduced.  However we were not able to make it to the assignment for today's lesson.  We covered slides 17-23.  Tomorrow we will finish these notes.

Physical Science 20 - Nov 26

Today we finished looking at enthalpy by studying Hess's Law.  This is where we were able to find the change in enthalpy of a reaction by breaking the reaction down into the parts that make it up.  We looked at the example with cellular respiration.  We then did 2 more examples from Assignment H4.  Tomorrow we will do another example and then have the rest of the class to work on Assignment H4.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 25

Today we went over the assignment from yesterday.  We then learned about electrical conductors and insulators as well as what an electric discharge is.  These notes were covered on slides 12-16 of the electricity powerpoint.  Students were assigned the homework on slide 16.  This includes a handout that I gave today in class.  Make sure to complete that as I will be taking it in for marks.

Tomorrow we will start to look at current electricity.

Physical Science 20 - Nov 25

Today we spent a lot of time going over Assignment H3 on combined heat problems.  This was in preparation for the take home assignment on calculating quantities of heat.  I handed this out in class today.  We began to learn about enthalpy today.  We learned how they measure the energy that is available in foods.  One can simply use that food to heat up water and determine the heat change in water or one can break done the food into its parts (fat, carbs, protein, etc) and know the energy in the parts, one can figure out the energy of the whole.  This will apply when we are finding the energy present in chemical reactions.

This was all covered in the powerpoint called Enthalpy.  We covered slides 1-11.  Students were given a notes handout that they used to follow along with the presentation.  This allowed students to just listen the presentation.  Tomorrow we will finish the notes on Enthalpy.

Physics 30 - Nov 25

Today we had a work period to prepare for the various things that are happening this week in class.  Students took the time to prepare for the unit 3 exam which is on Thursday.  They also worked on getting Lab 3.2 done, which they will be handing in on Friday this week.  As well, some students worked at correcting their lab 3.1 reports.

Tomorrow we will be having another work period.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 24

Today we started our new unit on electricity.  We learned what causes electricity as well as how objects can become charged.  This was all covered in the new powerpoint in the Electricity folder in the Science 90 course notes link.  The powerpoint is labelled Characteristics of Electricity.  We covered slides 1-10 and students spent the remainder of class working on slide 11.  This will be checked tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will look at conductors and insulators as well as electric discharges.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Physical Science 20 - Nov 21

Today we learned how to solve heat problems that involve multiple steps.  These are called combined heat problems that change temperature and change phase.  This was covered on slides 20-27 in the notes powerpoint.  We went through a couple of examples and then had the remainder of the period to work on Assignment HT3.  We will go over this on Monday.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Physics 30 - Nov 21

We didnt do anything new today.  Period 1 watched the video that Period 5 watched yesterday.  Check the post for yesterday to see the video if you missed it.  They spent the remainder of the class working on the lab report as well as getting ready for the in class assignment.   In period 5 today, students were required to complete the Tell Them From Me survey.  After the survey, we discussed the lab and students spent the rest of the class working.

The due date for the dark matter lab report has not been given yet.  We will discuss it more next week.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 20

Today students had the class period to study for their exam in chemistry tomorrow.  Remember that students can hand in their reviews tomorrow for an extra 5% on their exam.  Good luck tomorrow everyone.

Physical Science 20 - Nov 20

Today we went over Assignment HT1 and then learned what happens to heat during when phase changes.  What students need to remember is that phase changes occur without a change in temperature.  This means to calculate the heat required to change a phase of matter, we need to use a different relationship than we used for temperature changes.  Two new formulas were introduced on the heats of fusion and the heats of vaporization.  This was covered on slides 12-19.  We then had the rest of class to work on Assignment HT2.  We will go over this tomorrow.

Physics 30 - Nov 20

Today in class we watched a video called The Mystery of Dark Matter.  This was a supplementary video that went along with the concepts we looked at in the lab yesterday.  It is linked below.  There are a couple of worksheets that go along with this video and the concepts that were introduced by the video.  Worksheet 1 is a sheet of questions about information related to the video.  Worksheet 3 is about some calculations you have to do related to the concepts brought forth by the video.  The worksheets are linked here.  There are 5 worksheets in total but you only need to do worksheet 1 and 3.

I haven't assigned a due date yet for this lab.  It will be due sometime after the exam next week.

Here is the video:  Enjoy!!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 19

Today we went over the homework from yesterday on metric conversion.  The answers to that homework is located here.  We learned about scientific notation and significant figures.  Scientific notation is a method that scientists use to write really large or small numbers in a compact from.  It involves 2 parts: a number between 1 and 10 and then a power of ten.

Significant figures are important because we need to concern ourselves with accuracy and precision in a scientific setting.  Accuracy is how close a measurement is to the accepted value.  Precision is how close repeated measurements are to each other.  We learned rules on how to count significant figures and were just about to do some examples when the bell went.  We will finish this tomorrow in class and then have the rest of the period to study for your exam on Friday.

Physical Science 20 - Nov 19

Today students handed in Assignment 1.1 associated with solving word problems.  After that we went through a couple of examples involving specific heats.  We didn't go through all the examples in the notes.  We only did examples 1, 2, 5 and 8.  Students then spend the rest of the class working on Assignment HT1.  We will go over this tomorrow and start to look at phase changes tomorrow.

Physics 30 - Nov 19

Today in class we did a lab that looked at the relationship between the velocity of an object undergoing circular motion and the force that causes that motion.  We will then extrapolate this to look at the motion of the stars in galaxies and how they are moving much faster than the forces visible suggest they should.  This is the proof of the existence of dark matter.  Students spent the class today gathering data and began analyzing it.   I have developed some notes that should help students analyze this data.  I will explain it in class.  It is linked here.

Students who were absent can use data gathered from friends in class.  Or you can use the sample data set that I have linked here.  Just choose 1 set of data.  This lab report will not be due until next week.  We will talk about this in class.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 18

Today in class we looked at the metric system and how to do metric conversions.  Students learned a method called dimensional analysis.   This method is tricky to figure out but when students master it, it makes converting units really easy.   Students took notes on slides 1-10 in the powerpoint labelled Math Notes.  This is located in the Science 90 Course Notes link.

Students were then assigned the even questions to this assignment -  a metric conversion piece of homework.  This is due tomorrow.

Physical Science 20 - Nov 18

Today in class we finished our notes on solving word problems.  I then started the notes on measuring quantities of heat.  We learned about what specific heat is as well as how to calculate changes in heat.  This was covered on slides 1-8 in the powerpoint labelled Measuring Quantities of Heat.  This is found in the folder for heat in the Physical Science 20 Course Notes Link.

At the end of class, students worked on an assignment for solving word problems.  This was called Assignment 1.1 and it is due tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will be working on solving some problems involving specific heat and changes in heat.

Physics 30 - Nov 18

Today in class we finished up our notes on planetary motion by doing example 27.  Students then had the rest of the period to work on Assignment 3.8.  Tomorrow we will be doing Lab 3.2.  Make sure you have the handouts for the lab.

In Period 1, we just started our notes on planetary motion which will we finish tomorrow.  To see exactly what we did, check the blog post for last Friday.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 13 & 14

On Thursday, we learned about periodic trends in terms of electron configuration and how valence electrons,valence levels and ionic charge are easily determined using the periodic table.  We also learned how to draw Bohr models for each of the first 20 elements as well as ions associated with those elements.  Students did the homework on Slide 78 and this was checked on Friday.

We went over the homework on Friday.  Students then had the rest of the class to work on the vocabulary chart, which is due on Tuesday.  This will conclude the unit on Chemistry.   Students also began studying for their exam in this unit, which is scheduled for next Friday.  Their is a review at the end of their notes.  Students can complete that for an extra 5% on their exam.  Take advantage of this opportunity.  It is an easy 5% plus the marks you gain from studying for the exam.

Physical Science 20 - Nov 13 & 14

On Thursday, we went over any questions students had about the exam that was on Friday.  We then finished our notes on kinetic molecular theory and started to learn about solving word problems and manipulating formulas.  These are essential skills to have in a course in physics, which we will be heading towards here very soon.  However, some parts in this next unit on heat will require us to know how to solve word problems and work with formulas.

The notes for this are in a powerpoint called Equations and Manipulations in the Physical Science 20 notes link.  We will finish these notes on Tuesday and move on from there.

Your exams are marked and you will get the marks on Tuesday.  However you will not be getting the exams back as 4 students were absent from the exam and we have to wait until they have written them.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Physics 30 - Nov 13 & 14

On Thursday, we finished up our notes on uniform circular motion with examples 22 and 23.  Students then had the rest of the class to work on Assignment 3.7.  On Friday, we started looking at planetary motion and Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.  This law states that there is a force that exists between any two objects that have mass.  This force is proportional to their mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the masses.  We did examples 24 and 25 which used this law.  We then looked at how gravity causes uniform circular motion, particularly with objects in orbit around planets and stars.  This is called gravitational motion.  It is born from the fact that the centripetal force that causes the motion is supplied by gravity.  We derived some interesting relationships with this fact.  We then did example 26 but ran out of time to get to Assignment 3.8.  We will get there on Tuesday after we finish example 27.

We are one class behind in Period 1.  We just began looking at uniform circular motion on Thursday and finished the notes on Friday.  On Tuesday we will begin looking at planetary motion.  I hope everyone has another good long weekend.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Physical Science 20 - Chemistry Unit Review

I apologize for not being in class today everyone but I had a couple of students come and ask me later today about the unit review.  I wasn't able to put one together but I did upload a whole bunch of worksheets to the course notes link for those of you that want extra practice.  There are worksheets on stoich, the mole, reactions, naming.  Do was much as you like to prepare for the exam.  We can talk about it more tomorrow in class.  I will hand back your in class assignments for stoichiometry tomorrow.

Science 90 - Nov 12

Today in class we learned about chemical equations and the purpose of them.  As well we learned about how the periodic table is structured as well as some common groups in the periodic table.  This was covered on slides 66-74.  Students were then given the rest of class to work on the homework on slide 75.  This will be checked tomorrow.

We are also getting to the end of the unit.  That means that we will soon have a unit exam.  It is scheduled for next Friday, Nov 21.  Students that want to get a jump on the studying for it can start working on the review found at the end of the notes handouts.

Physics 30 - Nov 12

I had to be away from school today in the morning but in the afternoon in Period 5 we started to learn about uniform circular motion.  This is motion that travels along a circular path at a very constant rate.  Even though the motion is uniform, the direction is constantly changing and this is caused by a centripetal acceleration.  These accelerations are caused by centripetal forces.  The key thing to know about centripetal forces is that they are caused by other forces, they do not exist on their own.  We went through slides 60 - 66 and did examples 19, 20 and 21.  Tomorrow we will finish the lesson with examples 22 and 23 and get a chance to work on Assignment 3.7.  Period 1 will be doing what we learned today in Period 5.

Reminder that the lab report for Lab 3.1 is due tomorrow.  Good luck with question #9.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Physical Science 20 - Nov 9

I am going to have to change the date of the exam Thursday, Nov 13 to Friday, Nov 14.  There were some issues with the schedule that have forced me to move it back.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.  However I am sure most of you are fine with it being pushed back a day.  Please pass on the information to other students in the class.  As well, I want to get a review prepared for you to help you study for the exam.  Check back later (possibly tomorrow or Tuesday).  I will post the review on the blog.

Have a great rest of your long weekend everyone.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 7

We did our quiz on the first half of our chemistry unit today.  However we were missing many students today for some reason or another.  Students who were absent today will be writing the quiz on Wednesday at lunch.  Make sure you come at the start of lunch.  After students finished writing their quizzes today, then they worked on Activity B15, which will be due on Wed after the long weekend as well.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Physics 30 - Nov 7

Today we did Lab 3.1 - The mu of your shoe.  Students measured the coefficients of kinetic and static friction of their shoes using some very simple lab equipment.  The report for this lab is due on Thursday, Nov 13.  For students who were absent today, there is a sample set of data in the course notes link under Unit 3 folder.  Have a great long weekend everyone!!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 6

Today in class I checked the homework that was assigned on Tuesday.  We didn't have time to go over it today.  We did Activity B15 today in class.  This activity involved students making 3D models of different compounds.  Most students were able to finish making all the different models.  This activity is due tomorrow.  If you were absent today, you need to come in at lunch to complete this activity.

Reminder that tomorrow you have your quiz on chemistry.  Check the previous blog posts to see what to study.

Physical Science 20 - Nov 6

Today in class we almost finished our notes on kinetic molecular theory.  We covered slides 10-18.  There are just a couple more slides to finish next week.  Remember tomorrow we are going to the theatre to sign up for the PSE day.

Physics 30 - Nov 6

Today we finished example 18 and then the students had the rest of the class to work on Assignment 3.6.  Students we also made aware of the lab we are doing tomorrow where we will measure the coefficient of static and kinetic friction of our shoes.  We will also have a contest tomorrow for the student who brings in the most unique shoe.  The most unique shoe, as determined by me, will win a prize!!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Science 90 - Nov 4

Today students finished their notes on molecular compounds.  We then looked at chemical formulas and how to count atoms in a chemical formula.  During the last 30 minutes of class, students were assigned a worksheet on counting atoms in formulas as well as some questions from the textbook.  Student are to read pages 167-172 in the textbook and answer questions #1-4 on pg 171 as well as questions #1-5,9 on pg 173.  These questions will be checked on Thursday.  Tomorrow students have a day off from class and an experience in the workforce.  Have fun with the real world.

Physical Science - Nov 4

Today we began looking at our unit on heat.  This involved watching a short crash course video linked below on energy and how that affects heat.  We then started looking at Kinetic Molecular Theory and how that can explain the concepts of temperature and heat.  Students took notes on slides 1-9 from the powerpoint called kinetic molecular theory.  On Thursday we will finish these notes.

Reminder that tomorrow students have their in-class assignment on stoichiometry.

Physics 30 - Nov 4

Today in class we started looking at how to some problems involving friction on an incline.  This involved changing our direction systems so that the x-axis is parallel to the incline.  This made solving these problems much easier.  The technique to cover this is on slide 54 and then we solved two examples on slides 55 and 56.

On Thursday, we will have a chance to work on Assignment 3.6.  Tomorrow you have your in class assignment on the first half of this unit.  Students should know how to do assignments 3.1 to 3.4.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Science 90 - Oct 31 & Nov 3

On Friday in class we learned about the structure of an atom and how to determine the amount of various subatomic particles.  This was accomplished by going through the notes on slides 45-52 in the notes powerpoint.  We also learned the difference between an atom and an ion.  Students were then given the rest of class to work on Worksheet 1.  This was a table that students needed to complete by filling in various amounts of information based on atomic structure.

I checked that work today.  We then went over the answers and I assigned the backside of the worksheet.  This is due tomorrow.  I am taking this assignment in for marks.  We also learned how elements come together to form compounds.  There are two types of compounds and we learned about.  The first type are called ionic compounds.  These types of compounds form between metals and non-metals.  This was covered on slides 55-58.  I ended the lesson early so that students could work on the atomic structure assignment that is due tomorrow.

I have also set the date for the quiz in the unit.  It will occur on Friday, Nov 7.  The following information will be on the quiz
Lab Safety and WHMIS
Mixtures and Pure Substances
Chemical and Physical Properties
Atomic Models

Atomic Structure

Physical Science 20 - Nov 3

Today students were given the period to work on Assignment C26.  We will go over this tomorrow.  This concludes the unit on chemistry.  Tomorrow we will start looking at heat.  A reminder to students that you have an in class assignment on stoichiometry on Wednesday, Nov 5.  It will be on everything we have done in stoichiometry.

Physics 30 - Oct 31 & Nov 3

On Friday, we finished our notes on friction by finishing examples 15 and 16.  This left us with about 30 minutes to work on Assignment 3.5.  Today in class students wrote the quiz for Lab 2.1 and then had the remainder of the class to work on Assignment 3.5.

Tomorrow we will learn how to deal with friction when the surface the object isn't level but actually on an angle.  Reminder that the in class assignment that was suppose to be for tomorrow was moved to Wednesday, Nov 5.  It is on Assignments 3.1-3.4.